Monday, July 02, 2007


Pat, the doggies, and I hit the trails this past weekend, and what a beautiful weekend it was. Aside from a couple porcupine quills (ahem... Lincoln) and a sprained ankle (me) a good time was had by all.

We hiked in the Dry River trail about 5 miles to the junction with the Isolation Trail and found a great established camp site. Once we set up camp, we discovered that Luna REALLY liked the tent!

We did some trail maintenance on Pat's section of the Isolation Trail and then headed back to camp for dinner....

...the doggies were quite exhausted and made themselves right at home!

The next morning we got up and headed out for a hike up Mt. Isolation. We were hoping to get to Mt. Madison as well, but it was pretty windy and a bit cold, and we weren't sure how the dogs would take to prolonged exposure above treeline. So we headed up the Isolation Trail yet again. Lincoln got himself into a bit of a prickly situation.....

I wish I could say that was the first time that happened.... but he got quilled in the same place on the same trail the day before. You'd think he'd learn. But he was pretty good about letting us pull them out. And he really didn't seem to mind them that much.

And we made it to the summit. 7 miles from the closest road!

Look at that pack leader! Is that Cesar Millan??

Family cuddle time :o)

We started to hike over to Mt. Davis, and about halfway there I twisted my bad ankle... we decided it was best to hike back to camp and make an attempt to hike out in the event that I had done some serious damage (I didn't... just a mild sprain). There were places to camp before we reached the car if we had to. In the meantime, we stopped for some water.....

...and what hike would be complete without a quick nap right in the middle of the trail??

My body guard made sure I had enough energy to finish the hike... ;o)

We got back to camp and started packing up. Luna was unimpressed when her beloved tent came down.

But she found solace in a pile of Pat's clothes near this log.

Yeah, we really wore them out! And they loved every minute of it.

"Ok honey, I've got the food, you grab the sleeping bags... but who's gonna pack Lincoln and Luna?"

They made it all on their own... and promptly fell asleep in the car... not bad for a 10 mile day followed by a 13.5 mile day! And those are just the human miles... in dog miles they ran halfway to Australia....

It'll be strange hiking without these guys in Colorado the next couple of weeks... but they'll have their own little vacation spending time with Darcy, John, and Camden :o)

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