Sunday, March 04, 2007

Play time and nap time

I am convinced that nothing can make me quite as happy in quite the same way as our two four legged friends. They're always up for an adventure, and even if we're not up for an adventure they can always find a way to make us laugh. I give you, exhibit A, the three headed monster:

They LOVE to be close to people - if we're up and about and doing stuff in the house, they tend to follow us around, wondering if we're going to take them for a run. Once we decide to settle down, however, they are right there ready to cuddle.

Yes, I am really asleep in those pictures. Pat invited Lincoln up to cuddle with me, and, well, let's just say that I'm not what most would call a "light" sleeper ;o) You can't tell from the pictures, but Luna is actually curled up under the covers at my feet :o)
These dogs are the definition of "man's best friend".

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